Systematization of "the Thought"

What is Systematization of “the Thought”?

It is a project aiming at social and political transformation of Muslim World at first, and then realizing it on a global scale.

The main thesis of the project is that it can only be achieved by systematization of “the thought.”

At the present time, humanity is on the verge of a new historical era. The experiences gained especially in the past century have raised serious doubts about the reliability of “ideologies” or “science”, and this paved the way for “the crisis of modernity”. So, modernity has ceased to be the hope of mankind, even though it has still a big influence on the minds of the people all around the world. As to postmodernity, it has served nothing but deepening this crisis. But now, humanity is in need of a new direction. The fact is that the only alternative ideology capable of meeting this need is Islam.

Although Muslims engaged in various activities aiming at social and political transformation in their countries for more than a century, almost all of them turned out to be failure. This proved that Muslims could establish mass organizations, widespread communities and even “the state”, but this does not indicate that they reached their goals. The main reason of this is that they did not manage to systematize “the thought.”

If “the thought” can not be systematized, organizations can not afford to show their potentials satisfactorily. And this effects the successes of organizations in a negative way. The fundamental solution for this problem is to convince the hearts and minds of its members. But the hearts and minds can not be convinced unless “the thought” is systematized.